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What to write in a Valentine card

happea valentine card

Knowing what to write in a Valentine card can be difficult, whether you’re sending a Valentine to someone new or someone you’ve been with for a while. So I’m here to help you out with some ideas and inspiration…

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about what to write in your favourite squeeze’s Valentine card. Whether you’re looking to express your undying love and appreciation or just want to let them know that they’re special, here are a few tips and ideas to help you write the perfect Valentine’s Day message…

Express your feelings

Valentine’s Day is a terrific opportunity to tell your other half just how much they mean to you. Particularly if you’re not usually one to express your soppiest feelings, a Valentine card gives you the perfect excuse to do so without feeling awkward. Let them know what it is that you love about them and why you’re so happy that you’re together.

Or if you’re not yet a couple but you’d really like to be, this gives you a chance to broach the subject and let them know that you’re interested in more than just a friendship or admiring them from afar! 😘

Personalise it

Make your message unique to your relationship by mentioning inside jokes, special memories or personal details that only the two of you would understand. Show that you’ve put a bit of thought into the message rather than just doing the bare minimum of Dear …, Happy Valentine’s Day, Love from …

Keep it simple or go all out

Sometimes the simplest messages are the most powerful. A short and sweet message that simply lets them know how much you love them is often enough.


If simplicity isn’t really your thing as a couple, go mad with as much gushiness as you like!

Tailoring your message to be representative of you as a couple shows that you get how unique your own special relationship is 🥰

Be sincere

The most important thing when writing your Valentine’s Day message is to remember to be sincere. Whether you choose to write a simple message, a heartfelt love letter or a silly poem, speaking honestly about how you feel is the best way to make your other half feel special.

Borrow ideas

If you really can’t find the right words to use, or want to do something a bit different and unique this year, why not find a poem, a quote or a song that sums up how you feel? You could quote some or all of the lyrics of ‘your’ song, or even adapt the words of an existing song or poem into your own soppy, or silly, version…

Even your choice of card can help you express yourself more easily. Whether it’s a silly pun that you’ll both chuckle over, a beautiful illustration or just something that you have in common, choosing the right card gives you something to refer to in your own message as well to make it more personal.

Why not take a look at the range of Valentine Cards I have in my shop? There’s something for everyone, from sporty types to those who bond over a glass or two of the good stuff and everyone in between. You can even go all out and request a custom cartoon portrait of the two of you, for a card and gift rolled into one!